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Concerned Citizens Bowen responds to Woodfibre LNG letter, “LNG: separate fact from opinion”

Woodfibre LNG responds to previous letter, “LNG too risky for Howe Sound”

Article was removed from site for unknown reasons, link in Peace Arch News, Woodfibre LNG aims to meet Squamish conditions, June 2015 article still exists.





Booming LNG industry could be as bad for climate as coal, experts warn

Liquefied natural gas developments on a collision course with Paris agreement, Global Energy Monitor says.
This article is from July, 2019, but since then global concerns about climate change have only increased as has the seferity and frequency of climate change worsened extreme weather events causing wild fires, droughts, and floods.

EDITORIAL: This is reconciliation, Squamish [and BC!]

Photo: David Buzzard

“Many in Squamish speak of supporting reconciliation, but, to be meaningful, this has to be more than parroted acknowledgments before school assemblies and meetings. True reconciliation means some in town have to let go of the feeling and expressions of entitlement over land that was never theirs to begin with.
Squamish Chief, July 11, 2019

BC Taxpayers Digging Deep for LNG Subsidies, Tax Breaks

“The incentives offered to LNG Canada by the B.C. government include eliminating the LNG income tax, a lower price for BC Hydro electricity, exemption of the provincial sales tax on construction materials and a rebate on new carbon taxes. “
The Tyee, July 16, 2018

It’s back! Massive subsidies are quietly reviving LNG

Georgia Straight, July 16, 2018

Photoshop: CCBowen

“Shell does not need handouts from the government,” Horgan [BC NDP opposition] said back in 2013.” After forming cabinet, Horgan and BC NDP have continued with LNG subsidies where the BC Liberals left off.

To help Howe Sound: be curious, and appreciate its gifts

Bowen Island Undercurrent, February, 2018

Photo: Bob Turner

Bob Turner: ‘Collectively, we have damaged Howe Sound/Atl’kitsem through thousands of actions, some small, some large, some careless, some accidental. These go on today. But Nature is resilient. Recovery is underway. The way forward will require that we pay attention to what damages, and offset those with thousands of acts of repair, restoration and reconciliation, through creativity, collaboration and hard work, and also celebration and enjoyment.’

Who is watching the watchdogs?

BC Business Magazine, July 2015

Illustration: Tonia Cowan

The problem with self regulated environmental assessments: “My first feature in which the majority of my sources are anonymous — so grimy is the dirt they dish.” Journalist Anne Casselman
Anne Casselman – July 14 2015

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