At this point in time -Summer 2018 – it seems Transport Canada has finally started a TERMPOL review to assess navigational risks of LNG super tankers if they were to navigate through Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound.
Transport Canada offers the voluntary and non-binding TERMPOL review, a technical review of marine
terminal systems and transshipment sites. Woodfibre LNG did commit to a TERMPOL review in 2016.
Now in 2018, it is rather late to start this review. In fact, it is too late. The governments have already approved the project, so what is the point? If the governments would have taken public safety seriously, this assessment should have been done in 2013, when the Woodfibre LNG was first proposed.
Clearly Canada doesn’t have such an approach as it let proponents fully commit through the commitments of the government approvals. All along, the same governments kicked the public safety issue down the road to the point of no return of a project.
Not only is this again proof of how broken the environmental assessment system is, it also shows how low public safety scores for governments especially when it comes to oil and gas projects.
Doing the TERMPOL review now, defeats the whole purpose of doing it.