Order your copy of Whale in the Door by Pauline Le Bel

Pauline Le Bel’s most recent book of literary non-fiction is ‘Whale in the Door: A Community Unites to Protect BC’s Howe Sound’. This wonderful beautifully written book has received great reviews. Order your copy through Chapters-Indigo or from your local bookstore Phoenix On Bowen. Pauline will be reading on the…


Stop Burnco gravel mine, Public Comments, Federal deadline Jan 26

Nexwlélexm / Bowen Island – The is the LAST OFFICIAL OPPORTUNITY for public comments in this project’s Environmental Assessment review before of the Environmental Assessment Office will send its recommendations to the Minister of the Environment for a decision. After the last opportunity to comment to the Environmental Assessment Office,…


Stop Gravel Mine at McNab Creek! Stop the Rubber Stamping of Projects!

Over the last 2 plus years we have asked you on numerous occasions to submit comments about the Woodfibre LNG and Burnco projects proposed here in Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound. As ‘the public’, we understood the ‘public comments’ had to be based on the applications these companies had submitted to…


Stop Burnco gravel mine, Public Comments, deadline Nov 27

Nexwlélexm / Bowen Island – The is the LAST OFFICIAL OPPORTUNITY for public comments in this project’s Environmental Assessment review before of the Environmental Assessment Office will send its recommendations to the Minister of the Environment for a decision. From October 27 to November 27 2017, you have the opportunity…


Protect Howe Sound Flotilla – Great Success!

My Sea to Sky, Patagonia, Howe Sound Biosphere Region Initiative, Skwomesh Action, and Backbone Campaign and many people came out at the Stawamus Waterfront, a traditional village of the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh people, for a paddle out to demonstrate support for the protection of Howe Sound from unsustainable industrial development. Backbone Campaign…


Feb 9 – March 11: Public input Woodfibre LNG amending EA certificate

As you might know, October last year Woodfibre LNG was required by the Squamish Nation to change its seawater cooling system to air cooling. Since Woodfibre LNG had received a Environmental Assessment Certificate that specifically included the seawater cooling system, the company is required to amend its certificate. Since the…


Woodfibre LNG says ‘It is a GO!’

November 4 2016 Woodfibre – In a statement made at the Woodfibre site surround by BC Government representatives, Giraud mentioned that they will break ground next year January. But will they? Chief Ian Campbell of the Squmish nation mentioned on BC Almanac right after Woodfibre LNG’s and the Premier Clark’s…


Fixed link to Sunshine Coast

We are asked to comment on an feasibility study for several fixed link options to the Sunshine Coast. The study includes only the costs of construction, and ignores any costs to the environment, tourism, marine resources, and the effects of increased car traffic on BC’s carbon footprint. Q: What is…
